How can I enrich emails with data from my webshop?
What are dynamic products?
How do I display multiple rows of dynamic products?
How do I create my own dynamic product row?
How do I set the number of dynamic products in a loop?
How do I personalize the content of emails with liquid?
Cheat sheet liquid - Which variables are available in Reloadify?
Using merge tags in emails
Using merge tag 'tags' in your email
Liquid: falling back on a word
Liquid: round prices to two decimals, with comma and euro sign
Liquid: change text to Uppercase, ALL UPPER CASE or lowercase
Liquid: add text before the variable
Liquid: set a maximum number of characters
Liquid: set a maximum number of words
Liquid trick: showing your product reviews in your email
Show content based on a specific segment
Show content based on a specific tag