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Show content based on a specific segment
Show content based on a specific segment

Want to show profiles in a certain segment specific content in their email? In this article, I'll show you how to do that.

Francine avatar
Written by Francine
Updated over 7 months ago

In Reloadify you can store profiles in segments. This allows you to easily send e-mails to a fixed group of profiles or to start an automated flow for this group. Based on a segment, you can also show (or not show) certain content in your email. You can set this in several ways:

  • Select condition for a static row

  • Select condition for a dynamic (product) row

  • Expert: manually by adding liquid:

    • Customize the subject line for a segment

    • Customize the pre-header for a segment

    • Customizing the text in your email for a segment

In this video, we explain it (Dutch spoken, English subtitles):

Select condition for a static row

To display a row to a specific segment, first select the desired row. In the right-hand menu under "display condition", click the blue "Select condition" button.

A menu opens. Click on "Segments." A list will appear containing all your segments. Click on the desired segment. The row now shows only for this selected segment! Is a profile not in the segment? Then this profile will not see the row.

To check which row is visible for which segment, you can select the entire row again. In the right menu under "Display condition" you can now see for which segment the row is visible. In my example, the selected row is only visible for profiles from the segment "Mountaineers and Campers". To remove the display condition, click on the cross behind the segment name.

In the preview mode of the email, you can switch between conditions in the upper left corner. For example, you can see the email as a profile from the "Mountaineers and campers" segment, but also as a profile that is not in the segment.

Selecting conditions for a dynamic (product) row

It is also possible to show a dynamic product row only for profiles in a certain segment. However, a dynamic product row also has conditions attached to it. Therefore, changing the display condition of a dynamic product row works differently than changing the display condition of a static row. A roadmap:

Step 1. Add the desired dynamic product row to the email. In this example, I am using a self-created product feed "All the latest 3 products".

Step 2. Select the dynamic product row. Under "Display condition" you can see that there is already a display condition, namely the dynamic product feed. Click on "Change condition."

Step 3. A menu opens with the liquid code for the dynamic product feed. Here you're going to add the liquid that you use to set that the row shows only for a certain segment. I want to show the product feed with three newest products only to the segment "Mountaineers and campers". For this, I need the following liquid:

{% if profile.in_segment_mountaineers_and_climbers %}

Not sure exactly which liquid to enter? Then first add the display condition to a static row. Open the display condition settings and copy the liquid there.

I add the above liquid in the "Before" box, before the liquid of the dynamic product feed. In the view condition, this looks like this:

Step 4. Then click on "Confirm." The dynamic product row now shows only for the profiles in the "Mountaineers and Campers" segment.

Are you using a looped row? In that case, the input in the "after" field is different. With a looped row, you need the following settings:

Step 5. Check the email properly by viewing the sample version. Also send a test email to yourself. Are you sure everything is correct? Then the e-mail can be sent!

Expert: manually by adding liquid:

To manually add liquid for a segment, you use a reference. The reference is created automatically when you save a segment (provided the name of the segment is unique). When changing an existing segment you can also change the reference.

You then use the reference of your segment in a so-called liquid syntax. The syntax of the segment above looks like this:

{% if profile.in_segment_vip_klanten %} Special offer: 20% discount! {% endif %}

With the above syntax, only VIP customers will see the text "Special offer: 20% discount!". Do you also want to show a text to the profiles that are not in the segment? Then add the piece {% else %}.

The syntax then looks like this:

{% if profile.in_segment_vip_klanten %} Special offer: 20% discount! {% else %} Check out all our offers {% endif %}

You can do the following with this liquid syntax:

  1. Customize the subject line for a segment

  2. Customize the pre-header for a segment

  3. Customize the text in your email for a segment

  4. Show an entire row to a segment

Here's how to set up these 4 uses.

Customizing the subject line for a segment

In the subject line field, you can enter the liquid syntax. To customize the subject line for a segment, enter the following:

Customize pre-header for a segment

You can also use liquid syntax for a pre-header. You fill it out the same as for a subject line:

Customizing the text in your email for a segment

Liquid syntax can also be used in a text box. That way, you can customize an entire paragraph for a profile from a particular segment. An example:

Did you know that you can also show content based on a specific tag? You can read more about it in this article.

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