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Flow: retrieving abandoned shopping carts
Flow: retrieving abandoned shopping carts

This article tells you how to set up an email flow for retrieving abandoned shopping carts. Copy this one or get inspired!

Francine avatar
Written by Francine
Updated over 11 months ago

In our best practices I give you examples of flows you can use in your email marketing. In this article: retrieving abandoned shopping carts.

Note that a customer can be in multiple flows at the same time. Want to activate multiple flows? Align entry conditions or exclude profiles from other flows using a segment. This is not taken into account in the best practices.

Settings for flow: retrieve abandoned shopping carts

A flow makes it easy to personally approach customers with abandoned shopping carts. As with any flow, you can make this one for abandoned shopping carts as simple (or just elaborate) as you like. I set up the flow as follows:

  • Name: Abandoned shopping cart

  • Description of the flow: abandoned cart flow for all customers

  • Condition: Only once, and enter multiple times

  • Description of start node: abandoned cart 15 minutes ago

  • Filter rule: Cart abandoned is equal to 15 minutes ago

These settings look like this in the app:

Setting up flow for abandoned shopping carts

After filling in the starting point, I set up the flow. In the flow, I first differentiate the value of the shopping cart. This way, I approach the profiles with a high abandoned shopping cart with their own email; I definitely don't want to miss out on these sales. As a condition, I set, "The total amount of the abandoned cart is equal to or more than €150."

Does the customer meet this condition? Then the profile flows to a second condition, which checks how many completed orders the profile has. This check allows (semi)-new customers to be even more personally persuaded to complete their order.

The customers with less than 3 completed orders I send an email containing the products from the shopping cart and a discount code for 10% off. The customer with more than three completed orders is already more familiar with your webshop. Both customer groups I send a reminder after 3 days, increasing the discount for the (semi)-new customers to 15% discount.

To check whether the customer has ordered the cart in the interim, I build in a checkpoint (in the form of a condition). For this, I use the rule, "Last order is equal to or less than 3 days ago." Customers who have placed an order since the abandoned cart email will thereby leave the flow.

Another way to check if the cart was ordered is through a condition where you check again on the cart ("Abandoned [X] time ago"). When doing this, be sure to count back from the start condition.

The flow for the customers with a shopping cart lower than €150 looks similar. However, this group will not receive a discount code for 5% discount until the reminder.

My flow now looks like this (click on the image to enlarge it):

Variations on abandoned cart flow

The above is just one variation on the flow around abandoned shopping carts. There are many more flows to come up with! For example, filter by:

  • Cart value (give customers with a high cart value a discount code);

  • The content of the cart (at the product, category or brand level);

  • The customer's number of completed orders (give new customers a discount code or exclude customers with many completed orders from the flow).

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