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How do I import email addresses into Reloadify?
How do I import email addresses into Reloadify?

In this article we will show you how to manually import email addresses into Reloadify.

Jeljer avatar
Written by Jeljer
Updated over 3 months ago

Manually importing email addresses is important if, for example, you obtained e-mail addresses at a trade show. But it also works the other way around; for example, should you want to set a group of email addresses to inactive to exclude them from your email communications.

In this article you will read how to import a list of email addresses into Reloadify.

  • Step 1: setting up a worksheet

  • Step 2: save the document

  • Step 3: import into the app

  • Step 4: match the columns

This article is also available in video (Dutch spoken with English subtitles).

Step 1. Set up a worksheet

Open a worksheet (in OpenOffice or Excel). You can copy the first row (all headings) from the example below. Then you can complete it with the data you obtained. If you already have a .CSV file with data, you can change the headings in the first row to the headings in the example.

  • email: here you enter the email address of the profile. (mandatory)

  • first_name: here you enter the first name of the profile. (optional)

  • last_name: enter the last name of the profile. (optional)

  • telephone: enter the profile's phone number. (optional)

  • subscribed_to_newsletter: you always fill this value with TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the profile should be subscribed or not. (optional)

  • subscribed_to_newsletter_at: here you fill in the exact time when a profile is subscribed to the newsletter. (optional)

  • active: you always fill this value with TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the profile should be active or not. (optional)

  • province: fill in the province of the profile (optional)

  • city: fill in the city of the profile (optional)

  • street: fill in the street of the profile (optional)

  • housenumber: enter the house number of the profile (optional)

  • zipcode: enter the zip code of the profile (optional)

  • company_name: enter the company name of the profile (optional)

  • gender: the gender of the profile (optional). Note: this is always male, female or unidentified.

  • birthdate: the date of birth of the profile (optional)

  • country_code: the country code of the profile (optional)

  • tags: the tags you want to add or remove from the profile (optional)

For a successful import, at least the e-mail address is required. Don't have all the data from the example above, such as a date of birth for all profiles? Then leave out this column. Also delete all unnecessary (empty) rows and columns.

Note: did you fill in the date of birth for a handful of profiles, but not for all of them? Then make sure that the person for whom you have filled in all the fields is at the top of your file (directly under the headings).

Step 2. Save the document as a .csv file

For a successful import, it is important to save the file correctly. The field separator must be a comma and not a semicolon.

File > options > advanced, uncheck use systems separator, set decimal point to .

Open Office

  1. Navigate to file, choose save as and give the file a logical name.

  2. Click on file type and choose .CSV

  3. Check Edit Filter Settings and save the document.

  4. In the window that opens, choose Save current format.

  5. In the next screen, under Field separator, choose comma (,).

  6. Leave the Text separator as is.


  1. Navigate to file, choose save as and give the file a logical name.

  2. Under file format, choose comma-separated text (.csv).

  3. A pop-up may appear warning of data loss. You can ignore this one.

  4. Save the file.

Note: Excel always uses a ; as the list separator (in Dutch). You cannot use this character. Adjust the list separator as follows:

Control Panel > Country and Language > to comma. Set the decimal point to a point.

Tip: To make sure you have saved your .CSV file with a comma as the β€œfield separator”, open your file with a program such as text editor (Apple).

Step 3. Import the file into Reloadify

In Reloadify, navigate via CDP > Profiles to New Profile and choose Import from CSV file.

Select your file and choose the appropriate language in which the profiles should appear.

Step 4. Match the columns from the file

In the second screen, you need to match the columns from the CSV file with the database in Reloadify. This looks like this:

Note: When matching, do you see the following in the image? Then your file is not properly separated with a , (comma) or ; (semicolon). This way it is not possible to separate your columns properly. In that case, you should upload your CSV file again with the correct separator.

Have you matched all the columns? Then press 'import profiles'. You will then see almost immediately in the overview how many profiles you have imported:

Note: Does it say 0 profiles have been imported? Then there is an error in the CSV file. Check the file for:

  • Strange characters

  • Empty cells in the first row under the heading

  • Errors in email addresses

  • The correct extension (the correct field separator, see step 2)

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