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Flow: celebrating your customer's birthday
Flow: celebrating your customer's birthday

This article tells you how to set up an email flow for your customer's birthday. Copy this one or get inspired!

Francine avatar
Written by Francine
Updated over a year ago

In our best practices, I give you examples of flows you can use in your email marketing. Copy the flow exactly or get inspired, and design a flow completely your own. In this article: celebrating your customer's birthday.

❗️ Note that a customer can be in multiple flows at the same time. Want to activate multiple flows? Align entry conditions or exclude profiles from other flows using a segment. This is not taken into account in the best practices.

πŸ’‘ New to the world of flows? Then read our article on the basics of email flows first.

Settings for flow: customer birthday

A good way to express appreciation to your customer is to give a gift on his or her birthday. To never forget a birthday again, I set up a special flow. I use the following settings:

  • Name: Customer birthday

  • Description of the flow: Birthday discount

  • Condition: Only once, and enter multiple times

  • Node description: Birthday is in 2 days

  • Filter rules: Birthday is equal to -2 days

I set the flow with the rule "Birthday equals -2 days." By setting the rule to minus two, a profile steps in two days before its birthday.

Setting up flow for the client's birthday

I chose to keep the birthday flow short and sweet. Once a profile enters the flow, he receives an email containing an early birthday gift: 5% off a new order. Next, the profile falls into a filter. This filter is set to: "birthday was 1 day ago".

Once a profile meets these criteria, the profile moves on to the next point. This next point is a condition where I check if the profile has placed a new order since his or her birthday. Is this not the case? Then I send the profile a reminder and the profile leaves the flow.

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