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How do you use recommendations in the e-mail?
How do you use recommendations in the e-mail?

In this help article you will learn how to add the feed to your e-mail.

Carola avatar
Written by Carola
Updated over a week ago

Have you created a recommendation feed and is it live? Then the feed can also be used in emails.

Have you created a recommendation feed and is it live? Then the feed can also be used in emails.

Step 1. Create a recommendation feed

In Reloadify, click on Discovery > recommendation. Click on “new recommendation” in the top right corner. Need help with this? Then check out our help article.

Step 2. Create an email

Is the recommendation feed ready for use after it has been created by our AI model? Then the feed is now also available in the email editor. To do this, create a new newsletter, flow or trigger.

Step 3. Choose the right dynamic row

In the email editor, you can choose the dynamic row in the way you are used to. In the email editor, click on “rows” on the right. Then click on “empty”. A dropdown menu will appear with all your dynamic rows.

At the bottom of the drop-down menu you will see your recommendation rows:

  • If you choose “all”, all products from the recommendation feed will be shown.

  • If you choose the row without “all” in front of it, you can choose how many products are shown by numbering the blocks. You can read all about dynamic products here.

The products we show via the recommendation feed are based on the customer's most recently placed order. What if the customer has not placed any orders? Then we use the shop's most frequently purchased products as a fallback.

The email is now ready to be sent. Send your trigger or flow live. Or send the campaign.

Good luck!

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