With a pop-up, you attract the attention of webshop visitors. Bring in new newsletter subscribers (in exchange for a discount), put a product in the spotlight or offer a download. In this article you will learn how to activate a pop-up on your webshop.
Note: before you can create a pop-up, you need to enable the pop-up module. In this article you will learn how to activate the module.
Create a pop-up
Go to Pop-ups via Forms.
Two pop-ups are already waiting for you: the standard form success and the standard form error. These are steps after your pop-up. By default, the form success shows when the form was filled in successfully. The form error shows by default when a form cannot be processed. You are free to customise the layout of these pop-ups.
Create a new pop-up using the New pop-up button. The settings of the pop-up will appear:
Pop-up settings
What you enter here is the following:
Name: You start with the name of your pop-up. I enter 'newsletter subscription' here.
Included URLs: Here you fill in which pages you want your pop-up to appear on. Enter an * (asterix/star) here if you want to show the pop-up all over your website.
Do you have multiple languages/storeviews? With this option, the pop-up will show on every page, including different languages. Do you want to show the pop-up only on the Dutch language, for example? Then exclude the other languages (see the heading below, under "Include and exclude URLs").
Excluded URLs: This is where you fill in which pages you specifically don't want your pop-up to show on. Leave this box blank if you do not want to exclude any URLs.
Pop-up type: Here you specify when your customer sees the pop-up on your web shop. You have the following options:
Show when you want to leave the web shop. The pop-up shows as soon as the visitor moves the mouse towards the cross of the website.
Display after scrolling.
Display when inactive. The pop-up displays as soon as the visitor has become inactive, i.e. when no movement of the mouse can be detected.
Show after some time has passed. For this option, you can also enter how much time should elapse.
Show when the visitor hesitates. The pop-up shows when the visitor leaves the website, without clicking away (e.g. by moving to another screen or tab).
Manually. With this option, you create your own button on your website to show the pop-up. To do this, you need the following code:
<a href='#' class='reloadify_popup_trigger'>Click here</a>
Success pop-up: This pop-up is shown when the newsletter subscription has been successful. Once your customer has clicked 'confirm', for example, another pop-up will appear, which is then the success pop-up. This also lets your customer know that the subscription has been processed properly.
Profile tags: When a customer signs up through a pop-up, it is possible to give the customer a tag. This is useful if you later want to set a trigger for the target group that registered via the pop-up, or to track how successful the pop-up is. I enter 'pop-up visitor' here.
Newsletter: Finally, it is possible to subscribe your customer directly to the newsletter by checking the box.
Cookies store whether a visitor has seen, clicked away or completed the pop-up. It is not possible to exclude a pop-up for specific visitors.
Include and exclude URLs
It is possible to show your pop-up only on specific URLs, or to exclude specific URLs. How do you set this up?
In the box, enter the URL where you want to show the pop-up in this case. In the URL, "http://", "https://" and "www." are ignored. So you don't need to fill in this part of your URL.
You can use an asterisk (*) for wildcard matching. This works as follows:
match-text* matched with: https://www.match-text-example.com/path
*match-text matched with https://www.example.com/match-text
*match-text* matched with https://www.example-match-text.com/path
For example: I want to show a pop-up on the page www.myonlineshop.com/blog. In the "Included URLs" box, I enter the following: *blog.
Note that *match*text does not match https://match-example-text.com.
The settings are in place! Time to get to work on the design of the pop-up.